Blogging When given the tast to create a blog, I haven't thought that blogging is such a popular tendency in teaching. This article describes how to implement blogging into the daidy teaching routine.
Сообщения за ноябрь, 2017
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TEDxTalks Today I'd like to share an increadibly interesting lecture of Joe Ruhl given on TEDxLayaette - Teaching Methods for Inspiring the Students of the Future . Highly recomend to watch it. I found many interesting aspects for myself. Joe Ruhl dwells upon 5 Cs of inspiration ( C hoice, C ollaboration, C ommunication, C ritical Thinking and C reativity) and the ways they should be combined for successful teaching.
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5 Pixar Short Films to Use in Secondary ELA In this blog post by Bespoke ELA , you will find 5 Pixar short films to use for teaching skills in secondary English Language Arts in grades 6-12. Students will use the short films as a means of discussing theme, irony, suspense, subtext, point of view, and more. Great for middle school and high school English Language Arts. By Bespoke ELA.
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How to Technify the Classroom The classrooms of today have the potential to look vastly different than those of the past. Many teachers have access to a vast array of technology tools that can be used in the classroom to increase student engagement. Yet another list of useful web-sites, you should check them out - CLICK HERE ! By Bethany Petty
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Seven ways a smart phone can make a teacher’s life easier! Use your phone to record who did the homework. Don’t collect all that paper if you only have time to verify who completed the assignment. You can easily use the scan to spreadsheet solution- Got the Homework Blues? Randomly call on students or choose groups with one of the name generating apps: Randomly, Pick Me!, Decide Now! or Who’s Next? so that you can get them into groups for great interactive activities such as The Great Debate (Socratic Seminars in the Classroom!) Present directly from your phone. My classroom computer is really old and really slow. Now that I have Office 365 on up to 5 devices, I can project a PowerPoint presentation directly from my phone. My set up time is now under a minute! Get rid of the paper immediately by snapping a digital copy. I know I will lose that late assignment or make-up test. It is safer to get a digital copy and send it to...
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Out Of The Box Teaching Ideas: Bring Creativity Back Into Your ELA Classroom Have your lessons have lost their spark? Are you searching for some creative inspiration? This #2ndaryELA Twitter chat was all about out of the box teaching ideas in the ELA classroom. Middle school and high school English Language Arts teachers discussed interesting fiction and nonfiction pairings. Teachers also shared creative activity and projects that are both fun and rigorous. Read through the chat for ideas to implement in your own classroom.
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Below is a collection of some good iPad apps to use with your middle school students. These are apps to help students enhance their writing skills and improve their grasp of language. Some of the things they can do with these apps include: access tons of creative writing prompts, use pre-made story templates to organize and plan stories, use Story Builder to improve paragraph formation and integration of ideas, create ‘found poetry’ by selecting from word banks and existing popular works… and many more. Links to the apps are under the visual. Click here to continue reading
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6 Excellent Interactive Tools To Use With Students In Class These are interactive web tools students can use for a variety of educational purposes including: writing persuasive essays, structuring and organizing ideas for an argumentative debate, using KWL charts to prepare for reading, using Cube Creator to summarize and synthesize what they have learned, creating class newspapers or brochures, and many more. Check them out and share with us your feedback. 1- Persuasion Map 2- K-W-L Creator 3- Cube Creator 4- Word Mover 5- Printing Press 6- Venn Diagram
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5 Practical Ways to Innovate in Your Classroom Make innovation come alive in your classroom and school with these FIVE Practical Ways to Innovate. The ways described are the following: 1. Run a Student-Led Edcamp 2. Collaborate Globally 3. Class Challenge (Do It Together!) 4. Teach the World What You Know (create YouTube tutorials) 5. Write a Book/Release a Podcast Together Click HERE to read the article.
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Literacy: Language Competence Beyond Our Comfort Zone Speaking one language connects us to other speakers and the culture of that language. We are able to communicate, discuss and learn of different perspective through face to face interactions, literature, books, blog posts, newspaper or journal articles, videos, images and other online resources It is not a secret that being bilingual or mulitlingual has its benefits. Especially in the age of global business, the value of employees being able to speak more than one language has increasingly been highlighted over the last few years by pointing out that multilingual employees earn more money and have “practical benefits in a globalized economy“. The blogger is continuing to examine how the concept of what literacy has been and is continuing to evolve. Does literacy include a certain degree of language competence beyond our native comfort zone? How can a monolingual still take advantage of ...
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What will be the most significant classroom innovation in the next 10 years? What a catching blog post title. It might have caught your attention because of the keywords “the most significant” and “innovations” and the promise of a guide to the future. Taking into consideration that devices, such as the iPhone, which changed the entire culture, did not exist 10 years ago, I am venturing to say that there is no accurate answer to this blog’s question. I will disappoint you if you were looking for short, easy to follow instructions. Especially in education, planning for a “moving target” leaves us anxious, eager, and willing to give our ear to anyone who promises us guidelines for that future we so desperately are looking for. I can only offer my best educated guess. My vote for the most significant classroom innovation yet-to-come is an increasing ability for students and teachers alike to “ learn how to learn ” . Possessing this ability will give us the ability to ...
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What are the Biggest Mistakes Teachers Make When Integrating Technology into the Classroom? The word “mistake” is a harsh word. It implies flaws, pointing fingers, errors in judgement, something wrong and possibly even a dead end. I would rather think or connect the word “mistake” to first steps, stepping stones, experimentation and exploration. With that being said, those “first steps” or that exploration cannot become a routine cemented in stone how technology is being used in the classroom. Stepping stones are meant to lead to something else. For the sake of the prompt given, here are my top 5 “Mistakes” (in no particular order) which I see, read and hear about as I travel the world to learn and work with schools, teachers and students: Technology being used to substitute an analog activity Technology use being seen as an add-on to allow students to use devices, the Internet, a program or an app as a reward, for entertainment, as a time filler for...
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Ways To Use Pinterest Pinterest has the reputation of being the social network platform of women. There are hundreds of boards that fit the typical cliché of teenie girls with movie star crushes, women in their twenties and thirties obsessed with their future wedding dresses, bored housewives decorating their fictitious mansions, shopaholics who pin their dream wardrobes. Probably all true, but just as with any other social network platform, there is another side to Pinterest , if you are willing to give it a try, dig deeper, experiment and are willing to become a pioneer of trying things that no one has tried before. Don’t underestimate the power of Pinterest. I am NOT a power user of Pinterest, nevertheless the platform is driving traffic to my blog. As you can see in the statistics table of my blog below, Pinterest comes in 5th place of the top referrers… without really doing much on the platform...
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Digital Storytelling: What it is… And… What it is NOT It is NOT about the tools… it is about the skills Digital storytelling is not about how to use VoiceThread or iMovie. It is not about the ability to create an MP3 recording and adding it to an XML file, so people can subscribe to our podcast channel. Digital storytelling is about different types of skills we are developing in the process, such as: writing, speaking, communication skills oral fluency information literacy visual literacy media literacy language skills auditory skills drama Skills presentation skills listening skills publishing skills For more information click HERE
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Social Media FOR Schools: Strategy, Platforms, Shareable Content While my last blog post was focused on developing shareable content FOR schools via social media, I have taken a step back to look at the bigger picture and the different components schools need to consider and gain fluency in order to best harvest the power of social media for them. awareness of the difference between social media IN schools and FOR schools social media strategy for schools social media platforms and tools: characteristics, capabilities, type of content suited for particular platform, image/video sizes characteristics of shareable content Click HERE to read more.
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Can Social Media Have a Role to Play in Managing a Successful Classroom? This post is part of C.M Rubin’s monthly series in the Huffington post: The Global Search for Education: Our Top 12 Global Teacher Blogs. This month we are answering the following prompt: Can Social Media Have a Role to Play in Managing a Successful Classroom? As in previous posts in the series, She is examining the prompt from a semantic point of view and asks herself immediately: What do we consider ” managing a successful classroom” (and even what does it successful mean)? She also stumbled immediately over the word “CAN” and cringed when she wondered if it could say “Should” or “Must”? Semantics aside and out with an easy and short response: YES, social media can play a role in a successful classroom. Interested? Click HERE to read more.
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Make Something Invisible Visible The following is an attempt to document learning and to make something invisible visible . It is meant as a demonstration of “The Power of Twitter” . Click HERE to check out the post. My question to all of you is : What do you think of all of this? What is your understanding (just having been introduced to Twitter) of this web of communication, the virtual paths of information and the different types of connecting with others around the world to ask questions and learn together. Please leave a comment with your thoughts.
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No Longer EITHER OR of Technology Integration: It Is About the Learning MIX Many of us have now lived through the adoption of student laptops, Google Docs, cellphones and other technologies in schools. Many people involved may have had mixed feelings about all of the technology. However, a lot of discussion and research has already taken place about the true value of technology integration in the classroom. The old idea of “tech for tech’s sake’ should be dead by now. A strong movement towards placing learning at the forefront of technology integration has been very “loud” for many years. Surprisingly though, many people have been outside of this discussion and still see expectations about technology integration in the old way of EITHER all has to be technology OR all should be paper and pencil / concrete experience. But the truth is, we should have learned to MIX technology and concrete experiences by now to provide the best learning opportunities for kids in a world...
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Using Digital Collaboration Boards for Planning and Brainstorming I've never seen how a digital board can be use for collaboration in class, that is why I recommend you to check it out. Learn about how you can incoporate technology into the planning and brainstorming process using a variety of tools that work on Chromebooks, laptops, computers and iPads. Click HERE to read the article.
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How to Give a Spelling Test Using Google Forms Do you still administer spelling tests? If so, are you tired of grading them! I found a great solution to not only incorporate spelling and technology in a 1:1 classroom, but also lessen the grading load as a teacher. The answer is Google Forms! In this post, the researcher shows how she sets up a Google Forms for the Spelling Test and uses Flubaroo to grade it. She also gives steps to install Flubaroo. Check out the article -> here
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How Google Forms Saved This Teacher's Sanity by Mrs. Brosseau's Binder. You can give your students lots of descriptive feedback without losing your mind (or your hand)! The article is easy to read and completely understandible. I thing it will come to use not only for the new generation of teachers, but for the previous one too. The best part is that it's so easy to tweak as you go. I imagine the first time I use it, I will think of additional comments I want to use and I can add them to the form immediately. Looking forward to figuring out the docAppender add-on. Don't hesitate to check it out!
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What's new in English language teaching? Rachael Roberts looks at the latest trends ahead of the ELTons Awards for innovation in English language teaching resources. This is an article about new trends in English language teaching (ELT) resources, but none of the trends that follow are, strictly speaking, new. Nevertheless, the article is informative and readable, so I highly recommend to read it.
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Do you ever see something like this when grading literary analysis essays? “Frankenstein’s monster says, ‘If I cannot inspire love, I will cause fear!’” This shows that the monster wants to cause fear.” Go ahead and read this increadible article, I am 100% positive you'll like it!
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Your students are arguing with you, whining left and right, straying off task, staring at a blank screen, even exhibiting behavior issues. They’ve shut down. You’re only trying to do your job. Why aren’t they cooperating? Check out this article to find the answer.
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Out of a great variety of TED Talks, there are some that are 'must-see' for teachers. My personal favourites are: 1. Kelly McGonigal: How to Make Stress Your Friend 2. Ramsey Musallam: 3 Rules to Spark Learning 3. Astro Teller: The Unexpected Benefit of Embracing Failure 4. Rita Pierson: Every Kid Needs a Champion These and many more are described in the article, videos included. You should check it out.
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Hey! I'd like to share an increadibly interesting lecture of Joe Ruhl given on TEDxLayaette - Teaching Methods for Inspiring the Students of the Future . I found many interesting aspects for myself. Joe Ruhl dwells upon 5 Cs of inspiration ( C hoice, C ollaboration, C ommunication, C ritical Thinking and C reativity) and the ways they should be combined for successful teaching. So go ahead and check it out.